Twitter Traffic Machine Extraordinary Self Promotion to Build Your Online Business

Posted on March 25, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , |

Sooner or later you will realize that you need to promote yourself if you want people to remember you, and remember you positively. A few of you may be thinking that promoting yourself is not your style. Think again. I can appreciate being modest but you may want to consider that your motives may also be somewhat protective. After all, it is deflating when you tell someone how well you do what you do in your business and that person is not in the least interested.

On the other hand, I am also guilty of meeting someone new who asked what I do, and in my effort not to seem too pushy, I give them a barely adequate answer and I see their look of complete confusion.

If you work for yourself and are resistant to selling what you do, if you truly care about your clients and customers, self promotion deserves your attention.

There are many ways you can promote yourself, your product or your business. The trick is to be aware of the possibilities even when you are not focusing on telling others how well you do what you do.

One of the ways to promote yourself is to write articles, for on line directories as well as for local papers. You get a byline with your name that usually sits under the article title. Most articles also allow for contact information which is good to place at the end of the article. You may also want to include one or two of your websites with the author information. Another good idea is to provide your Facebook and Twitter addresses for readers to contact you.

Another quick way to self promote is to use social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Linked In to let others know what you’re doing and invite them to listen to one of your teleseminars or to an event where you are the main speaker or even the second speaker.

If you belong to a group on Face Book, let the group members also know what you are doing and ask for advice. For instance you could ask if anyone presented on this topic before and do they have suggestions that will help make the event a success for you.

A strategy that is sure to be picked up by the media is to conduct a survey among your clients or customers.

Offer the results to the media, online and offline including trade publications that target your subject area. The information does not have to be scientific. It only has to be interesting which means to take the time and plan your survey questions well.

Publications love to have their work completed for them. Send tip sheets to online and offline newspapers,magazines and newsletters on a topic that promote you as the expert in your field. Make sure you include your contact information.

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Twitter Traffic

I invite you to learn how to build a profitable online business by learning internet marketing at From Retirement To Career

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